K-1 voting results from PASH September edition!

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Yang suka ngepos Kproject dan penggenmar berat K project.Namanya Capio illa.
Jadi kali ini adalah Voting result yang diadakan oleh Majalah PASH Edisi September.

K-1 voting results from PASH September edition!

1.The character that you like?
(1.Karakter yang kamu sukai?)
Won by Yata Misaki, with 90 votes!
(If I could voting I choice   Mikoto XD. And again why Mikoto always lose against Fushimi and Yata )
2. The combo that you like? 
(2.Combo yang kalian sukai?)

Won by Fushimi + Yata, with 147 votes!
(I choose Munakata and Mikoto XD.And again Yata and Fushimi win )
3. The one character you want as lover? 
(3.Karakter yang ingin kamu jadikan Kekasih?)
Won Totsuka Tatara as #1, with 65 votes!
(Everyone's ideal type Tatara or  Izumo-san.I Vote Mikoto again XD )
4. The one character you want as your younger brother? 
(4.Karakter yang ingin kamu jadikan sebagai adik laki-lakimu?)

Yata Misaki won! With 143 votes!
(This time I chose Yata dan shiro.Booth of them  are cute and nice to be your younger brother.So I choice them :p)
5. The one character you want as your husband?
(5.Karakter yang ingin kamu jadikan sebagai Suami? )

Kusanagi Izumo, won with 76 votes!
( Izumo-san have the ideal husband for every women in the world.And Kuroh too,I Choice Izumo-san.But why Fushimi in the 3rd place.I mean Munakata better than Fushimi,Sorry for Fushimi Fans XO  )
6. The one character you want as your older brother?
( 6.Karakter yang ingin kamu jadikan sebagai kakak laki-lakimu?)
Totsuka Tatara! With 64 votes!
(Ehm….This is so difficult to choose.Cause I like Tatara and Kamamoto to be my Big brother.And I think Mikoto have the ideal Big Brother too.But I’ve been thinking and I like to vote Kamamoto to be my Big brother.Kamomoto-niisan~~ XD
7. The one character you want as your teacher?
(7.Karakter yang kamu inginkan untuk menjadi gurumu?)

Kusanagi Izumo  with 67 votes!
(Hem….Izumo-san,Munakata-san and Ichigen-sama.Well,three of them has they own way to teaching they student.And I think….i like to have Ichigen-sama to be my teacher :D )

That’s was my choice.so what you choice.Same as me or not :D.Comment if you want :D



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